New Snooker Game Simlulator

Тема в разделе "Новости из мира снукера", создана пользователем Jorge, 23 ноя 2017.

  1. Jorge New Member

    22 ноя 2017
    Hi all,

    I would like to present you a new Snooker game simulator, ShootersPool - Billiards Simulation.

    ShootersPool has been developed for billiards players and fans of this sport. The most important feature is the physics engine that can reproduce perfectly the behaivior of the real game.

    ShootersPool is mostly focussed on the online game. You will create a player profile and play with players from all over the world. Your profile save all your statistics and you can analyse them in order to improve your skills.

    Also you have an offline training mode.

    We hope you like it. :)

    Apologize for the language.


    Snooker Physics on Slow Motion.

    Snooker Online Gameplay with custom spoted cue ball.

    ShootersPool Trailer